Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Getting Ready to Launch...

I am not an organized person, and I admit that freely. I want to be organized and clutter free, but I just don't take the needed steps to get there. So, I've made a decision and it is a good one. Even though I'm not a believer in making a New Year's resolution, I am going to do just that. I am stating for the record that by December 31, 2010 I am going to do what needs to be done to get our home clutter free and running smoothly. As you can see my resolution is two fold, and that is why I'm giving it an entire year. I don't think it will take a year to get clutter free and organized, but I know if I can keep everything running smoothly until the end of the year then I will be good to go!

I'm hoping by promising to post (even though at first I know I won't have any readers) my ideas and strategies I will be more inclined to follow through with this goal. Here is what you/I can look forward to...

  • Set a Plan Sunday
  • Meal Planning Monday
  • Tackle it Tuesday
  • What's Left on the List Wednesday
  • This and That Thursday
  • Finally Friday
  • Savoring Saturday

Although these exact labels might change as time goes by, the underlying premise of this blog will stay the same; I am going to research, review, put into action, and blog about any and all organizing tricks that work for me!

See you in 2010...